Frequently Asked Questions

In our FAQs, you will find answers about product digitization through QR codes.

General questions

Yes! Just use your username and password to login at and select the QR code you would like to update. Now you can edit the content and press save once you are finished. Any changes will be live immediately.

There is no limit for the number of scans – even with your trial account.

We recommend sharing the QR code link with other devices instead of the QR code image, because the QR code image can of course not be scanned with the same device (smartphone) that receives it. Otherwise, you can simply download the QR code and forward it.

Yes! You can create as many QR codes as you want if you upgrade your free account. Please see our pricing table here.

You have full control on the availability of your QR code content. You can update or delete the QR code content anytime. If you do not delete or change your QR code, your content will be available as long as your subscription is valid.

The minimum diameter depends on the print quality. The smallest possible QR Codes may have a diameter of only 7-8mm, however we strongly recommend to use QR Codes that are at least 10mm or larger.

Our servers are located in Germany.

Please send us and Email to or use the feedback form in the dashboard. We are very happy to implement new ideas and features if possible.

Larger image sizes for example will require longer loading times of the WebApp and can have a negative impact on the user experience.
Any questions? Get in touch with us!